Welcome to the Sea! It’s time for you to hit the ocean and start exploring the world around you! Florensia is an expansive and wondrous world and it would be a waste to stay Aion Gold on Cardiff Island for too long.
Yes I know it’s nice and easy and you want to stay! But it’s time for both you and me to venture onto the open oceans. If you’ve done all the quests like I asked you to then you should have a ship.
Once you’re level 24 you can go to Magnel Island and beat some monsters up there! An exciting prospect I know. I was very happy when I first ventured there and I felt strong.
Of course I went to Exeter and felt weak again.
So, get your boat out onto the ocean, read how to control the boat and set sail! When on the ocean for the first time I recommend fighting the weak pirate ships before going to Magnel.
When you’re sea level 8 then you may go across the sea to her fantastically huge gate. Not before.
The Ships around Cardiff Island are easy. I’m sea level 12 and I find them to be almost meek compared to some of the horrors I faced on land.