To Level: Test out different mob spots. Some people can take on level Archlord gold 59 stuff at level 51- others can take on level 49 stuff at 51. Always get these easiest spot for you that combine a. Good Exp, and b. Fast Experience. If you like to make money, and a good grinder. Even save up on your lens/speed pots, grind things outside those caves. That means you go at least 5+ levels higher than you are, and grind them.
They barely hit the same as cave stuff, and easier to kill. Plus they get better drops if you got a lucky charm, use it. We do not recommend lucky charms, unless you are rich. If you want to level fast, go into the caves. Try to get your same level Archlord online gold stuff- if your 50, 51, 52, 49 stuff. Do not go overboard if you can not. And do not try to get online, do 5 percent, and then get offline- The best grinding goes in a loop- try to do 20%.
The Room: The room is important. You have to check these features. Make sure your room is not small. If its small, you cannot run anywhere, and you will get hit a lot. Large rooms with running space are the best. Elemental + Bosses monsters RUIN your grind sequence- they keep chasing you. If you have to get in a room with ele or boss, keep aware of it. Lag is the worst cause of lost exp. Lag will freeze your character, not your mbo, and you will be helpless to your victims.
Not too many monsters. If your barely taking on your mob, yet their are a lot of other monsters in the room do not use the room unless your level sharing. You take you out. Pkers are a big thing- Make sure you are aware of any pkers, and pay attention to the shouts they warn of pkers. Use roundtrip passports.
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