As we can not be sure what to call it, then we exactly so just labelled it Character Skill Builder. It lets you see all skills available for a class (Archlord gold) that is same to the screen in you game and then lets you pick and choose what skills you'd like to have in you playing. As soon as you've finished, it gives a breakdown of the point cost involved and the minimum level needed to get all those skills.
It is ideal for people planning ahead for their perfect build without the costly experimentation in Archlord. It also lets you share the build you create with a shortcut URL simply give the shortcut URL to a friend and it will automatically map out the build you created. Anyway there might be a few bugs but please give it a go and let us know if there are any problems. Here we provide you the Archlord online gold, you will realize these through enjoying.
In EPII to quite a lot of skills the Cast Time thing is the new attribute added. Well we not exactly sure what it is, but it is basically what is described in the patch notes. Speed Attack is means Attack speed increased and skill casting time decreased. It is described as skill casting time there, as it is not that high to begin with, yet doesn't make much sense as the number increases each rank and can't decrease the cast time of the skill.