Following is some information for choosing your stats in Tales of Pirates maybe that can helpful for you, just have a look and pay more attention to us you will gain more.
Maybe if you doing this guide based on a very long-term basis, your stats or skills will be different now from when you reach your successful Rebirth. First, you will be adding all your Stat points into Spr, which adds to your Conch Ray and Thunder Bolt damage for the land skills. Those are the main skills we will be starting off with. Every level (Tales Of Pirates gold) you gain from now on, you will add Spr and only Spr.
As you may be excited, you will remeber not to rush into adding your stat points quickly, as silly as this may sound, take your time. Open your stats look carefully for what you're adding, and go ahead. There are some players made this mistake enough times to finally learn that patience saves their hundreds of thousands of gold to millions of gold that maybe spent on resets.