Here we will introduce a Cronous pet guide. Pets are items shop items, so when CB is over to obtain a pet, you will need to purchase aeria points, and enter the item mall to get the pet pig or dragon.
You can equip him by dropping him into the pet slot under your character inventory panel (I). Note: must be level 41 to equip pet.
Once pet is equipped you will see his health bar and stamina bar on the left side of the screen.
The top bar of the pets gauges is for the life of your pet. Basically means pet HP. you can either go to a safe spot, or use a pet potion (from pot shops), to heal your pets HP bar. (There are also pet hp potions from cash item shop, but since this is CB, there is no item shop, hence any info on item.
The second gauge is your pets stamina bar. This bar is basically when your pet is HUNGRY.. When the pets stamina barstart decreasing it means its time to feed it, you can get pet food from POTION NPC's, if you go TOO long without feeding your pet, the MAX amount of HP pet has will start to decrease meaning. If you pet has lets say 100 MAX HP pnts, u starve it, then it was have lets say 90 MAX HP points. There is only one way to bring the MAX amount of HP back, and that is by using a PET MAX HP potion from item shop. We can provide you Cronous Cro here!