Since right now we will be doing a lot of heroics and tanking a lot of trash, would it be better to get the SA glyph since it is effected by devastate and it would be affecting 2 targets over just 1. We know the argument right now is devistate is just used to apply sunders to refresh and we should be using other cool downs first, but we have not seen anybody mention the usefulness of this glyph, or if it is useful at all.
In terms of builds, kinda agree with what most of the builds in game Dungeon Fighter gold are putting up, although the imp charge to us is worthless. We really do not find ourself needing the extra 10 rage, instead id rather use those 2 points in iron will, and lose 1 more % crit to max it out. Again this is more of a personal preference but we find a lot of mobs in heroics like to stun and if we can help reduce its effect. This is the build we most likely are respecting to tonight.
Our logic for vigaliance has yet to change since the last time we posted. It is way to good of an ability in saving the squishies on agro dump or spawned adds during fights. Conc blow is needed for vigaliance but it also is way to damn good to help your survivability. We would not give it up. Also it is just 1 more spell interrupt, totaling 3 where every other tank only gets 1.
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