When you have purchased Wrath of the Lich King, you have created your Death Knight, and you have finally completed the trek to level eighty. Now what? Well, lying before you, you have a choice: DPS or tank? I found an article about DK tanking talents. I think it is very useful for players.
Tanking as a Death Knight is unlike playing any other tank class in the game, so even if you have tanked before, it can be somewhat disorienting. Death Knight tanking can be even odder to a first-timer, who is expecting a different sort of experience, something in line with a Warrior.
The first thing you must do to tank, even before worrying about your gear, is select the right talents. Contrary to popular belief, there is no "tank tree" for Death Knights. Death Knights, given the right combination of equipment, can tank from any tree. Rather than giving you a simple template to replicate in game, I have chosen instead to outline some of the more effective tanking talents by style. There are so many Death Knight builds out there that even amongst the established builds, there is no tank build. More than any other class, Death Knights encourage ingenuity and individuality when spending your talent points. Once you have read over the guide, then you can go about the business of selecting the talents best-suited for you.
There are three tanking talents, all of which are entry-level talents, that form the foundation of Death Knight tanking – Blade Barrier, Toughness, and Anticipation. Every tank build that you create should feature all three of these talents. Blade Barrier and Anticipation in particular are extremely potent and boost the primary function of Death Knight tanking: avoidance.
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