Custom build your next ship! New technology found in Wormhole Space allows players to research, manufacture and fly the next generation of cruisers. Thousands of combinations are possible due to the modular subsystem design Tech 3 brings to ship creation. Flying a Tech 3 Strategic Cruiser is also easier skill-wise than that of Tech 2 ships. Each ship you create can be used to provide more firepower, better defences and many more variations. CCP Nozh tells us more in his blog Strategic Cruisers: a new breed.
Tech II versions of the Codebreaker, Analyzer and Salvager mini-profession modules have been introduced.
Tech II Gas Cloud Harvesters have been introduced.
Players can now schedule automatic training of multiple skills. The new interface offers filters, a graphical display of the total queue and the ability to pause or resume the queue at any point in its progress. The skill training system allows you to queue skills that will start training over a 24-hour period. You can enter in up to 50 skills in a queue, as long as they all start training within 24 hours. CCP Eris Discordia tells us why More Queue Queue is the way of the future.
Character attribute distribution can now be rearranged in order to diversify or specialize skill training. This means that you can now reallocate attribute points once per year. CCP Flatboy tells us how neural remapping works in his blog A Virgin Mind.