In Atlantica, Will is a special bar that sits at top of screen. It refills slowly and is one rather important thing to keep track of. Will allows you to teleport to locations you already have the map info for. You also need it for teleporting to party members, sending gifts, Sharing Monster Info, using EXP Skill Books, certain foods that replenish HP Atlantica online Gold and MP need will to eat. It regenerates rather slowly so don't be wasteful about it. It is also used for sweet talking NPC into staying at your town.
Guard is probably one of the most useful things for long combats or when facing off against a group of flyers when you are mostly melee. Before jumping into it, that point out that at most you allowed using up to 5 of your mercs during any one turn. So you go into a fight with flyers and your melee is the only ones able to move for that turn. Use Guard, it will transfer that merc/hero's turn to someone else that is waiting. Who the turn goes to is based on AP so if your guy was sitting at -38 at the start of your turn, the reason is that he attacked last round and got hit by an AP draining attack from enemy. Do not count on guard giving him the chance to attack that round. Here we provide you Atlantica Gold.