The Chrono Cithara wars-some people like to have fun, but just approach with caution. One moment you are having fun, the next, someones killed you. If some higher level (Lineage 2 gold) decided to come by and cast a nuke and kill everyone, there would be some very unhappy faces. Fortunately, there are some good humored people.
One last note is a new grieving method people have been using. A high level (Lineage gold) person will hit a low level, and turn purple, then, they will open up a shop. If one of the low levels (Lineage 2 money) unknowingly clicks on the shop to see what it is offering, they will automatically attack the person, thus turning them purple. The griefer will then hops up and kill you. This happens because if the person is purple, you automatically will hostile them.
Battle Strategy - Before we go on with the walkthroughs, the author will going to introduce you to some simple battle concepts that will hopefully make things easier for you.
Make sure to check out the section below in the Dark Elf Guide on using your hot bars. With hot bars, you will be able to switch quickly between different skills and spells, and alter your weapons so that you can fight efficiently.
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