It depends on how you want to play in Mabinogi. If you want to DPS, stack Strength and Weapon Skill, then Toughness, then Wounds. If you want to reduce the tank, stack Toughness and Initiative, and then worry about the wound, weapons skills and willpower. If you want to avoid the tank, stack weapon skill, will, action, and then worry about toughness and wounds. The wound is really not very important, as long as you have fully recovered. No player can burst out enough damage to kill you in a couple of hits bugs excluded. The only way for you to get one shorted in this game (Mabinogi Gold) is though being focus fired.
Sword masters have a large number of crowd control skills in game (Mabinogi online gold), though not all of them are available on demand and some require tactics to use. However, we have the ability: Snare quick incision, wings of heaven, Root aethyric grasp, grappling blow, Silence whispering wind, Stun gryphon precision, Knockback forceful shock, whirling geyser, Knockdown crashing wave, Reduce Armor demolishing strike, Reduce Spiritual and Corporeal Resistance wrath of hoeth and bolstering enchantments, Spell Interruption crushing advance, Increase build up dazzling strike, Drain AP sapping strike, Drain stats Nature Blade, Reduce damage dragon talon, dampening talon, distracting blow. And then of course we have all of our damage absorption and damage reduction buffs.