Refined iron put up items to enhance the success rate of 25% up to +5 can be refined or mosaic, want to improve to +6, come to +6 quality polish it! Quality level cap for the refining equipment, up to 10. Insurance value is lower than the level to be refined or mosaic, the mosaic scouring or reduce the probability of failure is there will be some level of 0-4.
The same elements mosaic inlay card can enhance the level, quality level for the mosaic ceiling of up to 10; mosaic loss of material failure, if the insurance is lower than the level to be mounted, there will be likely to reduce the level of 0-4 properties. Mosaic level to +8, +9, +10, there will be a random property, if not satisfied for the random properties of the pro shop owner can find weapons, dialogue, click on the "Additional Properties altered mosaic" elements of consumption of 24 cards (not limited to type) +20,0000 silver can be re-randomized once.
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