Do you know Henesys Party Quest in Maplestory? Did you do it? If you have not, read the following information and you will understand how to do it:
To finish quick and get LOTS of exp just make a party with 3-5 people. Make sure one of them is a warrior with good armor. Next, while the moon bunny is making the cakes, have the warrior I talked about earlier equip a low lvl wep and hit all of the enemies only one time. That will lure the enemies away while the moon bunny makes the cakes. One last thing, while the warrior is luring the enemies away dont kill the mobs or else they'll respawn. Just do this until time is almost up, you should have like 50 cakes, turn them in and keep going in and turning them in without having to do anything until you run out of cakes tehn repeat the whole process.
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