As we warned earlier you will not be the best pvper out their sad but true. But if you play your cards right you can hold your own against other classes 2moons gold and other ak. First some Pro and con about mace in pvp.
Pro. Stun Stun Stun Great against hunter Keep them in place. Buying 2moon dil here! Defence Debuffing we have two skills that can decrease our enemie defence. We have heard People Call us the Crowd Control fitting now. Damage and stun whole groups of your enemie Definately a great help in group pvp/pk situation.
Surprise. A lot of people will not expect you to be as good as you seemingly taking you for a fool. And also a lot of people do not even know what mace skills look like or do. I can not remember how many times someone has asked us to do heavy blow or solar evil. Damage our great pve damage does cross over somewhat into the pvp realm we do decent damages not the best tho but decent.
Con's: Slow animation time. a few of our skills are not the fastest to be completed. Defence, our defence cannot get quite as high as other builds, such as sword with their sword defence. Our skills were not made for the soul purpose of using them on other player does remember that.
We do not have the most hp or shield compared to other builds, so you will have to be a bit more stragetic to overcome foes. Mace is a very easy build to absolutely fail in pvp with if you do not know what you are doing.
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