Stone Production: You need lots of materials to make 1 Xir which useful for the enhancers, materials are relatively easy to obtain. You can probably only sell 10-20 stones a night, compare to selling a stack of 50 scrolls a night.
Potion Production: Only HP (fiesta Gold) potions sell well, but you need Sign of Trace for T2 T3 HP pots, which are not a very common monster drop. So you may find it harder and takes longer to obtain enough materials to make a stack of HP pots, compare to scrolls.
Scroll Production: Probably the most profitable, mostly sold, materials are relatively easy to find, one of the best Fiesta Silver making production in the game, because pretty much everyone needs scrolls. If you have got Scroll production on one character, you don't need scroll production on another character. You should just transfer the materials through storage and have one of the characters specify in making scrolls.
Decomposition or Composition - These productions does not make Fiesta gold on their own. They are used to make the correct tier materials for the 3 productions above. It is also recommended that when you need comp or decomp skill, you should put these two skills on the same character for the ease of leveling (fiesta money) up these skills.