We are sure you know by now that the max rank is 40. In very early beta you had a rank 1-4 and a sub level 1-10. But they ditched that early on, thank goodness. You gain experience many different ways, but mostly through quests. Here is the best online website for players to buy Warhammer gold service.
Unlike WoW, we have never completed all the quests and had to resort to grinding to eek out that last bit of XP/levels before we can go to the next area. The areas flow one to another smoothly. You can level Warhammer money via RvR by doing the scenarios over and over and completeing/re-completing the same quest over and over, but it seems to get pretty monotonous.
Plus, some of the best gear at early levels comes from completeing PQ's and you would miss out on those. There are always PLENTY of quests to keep you busy in every area you go to. The only thing we have done that you could count as grinding are the PQ's- public quests.
In each chapter of the game there are a couple of Public Quests that you can complete. The PQs progress REALLY fast and very smooth the more people you have doing them. Normally you have to do a single public quest 3-4 times in order to accumulate enough influance points to redeem for your influance rewards back at the camp. But with each attemp you have a chance to win some good loot from the PQ itself, so it is worth it on many levels.