Magical attack and physical attack is the exact same thing, each meant for a different class magic attack is useless for FB, for example. We were asking whether attack power or amp contributes more to the damage dealt to monsters. We recommend you to buy the cheap Cabal Alz service from our site.
However amp seems to have no effect or very little effect on damage dealt to monsters, no idea why or if this is a bug. You can measure your damage at very high level simply by testing whether or not you can defeat the scorpion or beetle in Forgotten Ruin in one hit with a level 9 Completer attack. The monster had around 10 to 20% HP left when we removed almost all amp equipment in Cabal; however it still had around 10% HP left after we equipped all amps.
The normal damage is 500; critical damage would be more than 500. But if your attack is not that high, critical damage is also not high. So IMO, you need to balance your items, a combination of amp items and crit items.
For having 50% crit rate, we now compare 200% Crit DMG (but with little AMP). And 200% AMP. The result shows that 200% AMP deals more damage for both critical and non-critical hits. At least most of the cases. Based on my experience, AMP any time. Having a healthy combination of both results in a better overall damage. You can buy Cabal Online Alz from our site.