If you have no time to level up your character in Knight, you can come to our site and have a look, we provide the cheapest knight gold. Here we will provide you some useful information about Rogue and assassin and I got it from other websites, hope it could help you.
This stops him from legcutting or screaming you right after you cure. If you have no time to earn Knight Noah,you can buy it from our website at the lowest price. Remember that if your light feet runs out, and his legcut or scream fails, you will not be able to light feet for the duration of his skill. This is why it is extra-important to keep up lightfeet against a warrior. Battlepriest, a BP is not able to outpot your damage. As a result, they have to periodically stop and 1920 heal themselves. You have to practice your skill-r-r combo so that you can cancel their heals every now and then. It just takes one cancelled heal to seriously fuck up a battlepriest. He will always be sliding you, so use your running combo and try to keep up the pressure on him. The more pressure you put on him, the more he has to stop and heal, and the less time he has to debuff you. If the BP does not have 1920 heal, and if you have adequate defense armours, he is as good as dead, you cannot lose.
One reason you like to get your base HP as high as possible is for fighting battlepriests. The most secure knight online gold is offered here. Half the time you will be parasited, and how much time you have to cure is dependent on your base HP. You could have 2426HP base, and just over 2000 parasited, so when you are using club or sword defense it takes the battlepriest maybe 4-5 judgements to kill you fully debuffed. This is more than enough time to cast a cure. If you are cocky like me, wait as late as possible to cure yourself, since when you cure parasite, it adds 1500HP +20% to whatever HP you are. So when you are almost dead, you should cure and HP pot at the same time, and voila 2500HP regained!