Instead, you can apply Nitro Boots to any of your boots and earn this as a permanent enchant. Other enchants, armor kits, and similar items do not stack.Updates show that the bear armor works so that bonus armor on items does not receive the bear armor multiplier, in other words, trinkets, rings, necks and cloaks with bonus armor will not be multiplied by the bear bonus. The normal armor on leather will still be multiplied by this bonus. Aside from them, the developers in the World of Warcraft now are going to remove bonus armor from Feral staves, which means players now can get the bonus armor from the leather they acquire.This change will not be in effect when Lich King ships. Since now wow gold players are not supposed to go through heroic efforts to acquire items like the Badge of Tenacity, or Defender's Code. Defender's Code, with 850 armor, will still be a good trinket. But it won't be an insanely good trinket for a bear.With this adjustment of the bear armor modifiers, players' net mitigation does not go down with these changes Mana One effect has added to a deep Feral talent (something like Primal Tenacity) to further reduce the cost of shapeshifting into cat or bear by 50%. This talent will stack with Natural Shapeshifter for a total cost reduction of 80%. PvP-focused druids can get both talents to shift easily and often despite, no longer having Int on gear at level 80.