WonderKing social networks serve as a direct channel where our users can find information about ongoing events as well as up-to-date WonderKing news. WonderKing We uses these channels to communicate with our users in an informal tone, so that we can have a more personal relationship with our fans. Currently, we use Face book, Twitter, and My space as our primary social sites that coordinate information to promote WonderKing.
We have our largest following on Face book. We held an event during the cool down period between Closed Beta II and III that encouraged users to bring in their friends to form a fan base in Face book that is ten thousand strong. WonderKing zed and WonderKing gold service are served in our website, you can buy them at lowest price as you need, and our customer service is also the best. Please place an order at any time.
Even after said event, our fan base continues to grow. As of right now, there are 11,749 fans. You can also find cool photos of our WonderKing team's trip to Austin GDC 2009 and screenshots of the first in-game event we held, the Master of Control Event. Twitter is quickly becoming the next social phenomenon, and WonderKing is not missing out. Twitter WonderKing We decided to do something unique with Twitter – have our Game Masters (GMs) socialize with the users.