Is pet capturing a quest? No, it is just like crafting, as long as you have the item Jade Dynasty Gold needed you can do it whenever you like. Do you have to be a certain level to start capturing pets? Yes, level 60+ only.
The pet appears to be gray named for us; does it mean we can't capture it? No, you can capture it as long as you don't kill it. Buying Jade Gold here! And don't worry gray named doesn't mean you can 1 hit it. Use your weakest skill to test it first.
Will more pets come out? Yes. We have a list of incoming capturable pets but we do not want to share yet since it is unreleased. Can the captured pets be traded? Nope, we lied ofc you can! Can the pets be graded? Yes and they can evolve as well.
We saw someone with a pet squirrel. Where do we capture it? It is not a capturable pet; you can simply buy it from a npc in the new map. Do the pets appear as bosses on mini-map? No, the pets appear as normal mobs.
Hope something in the message above helped! If you want to get a higher level for your character in short time. Our site is your best choice. Hope you enjoy yourself in this wonder game.