When push comes to shove, it is very nice to have lower cool downs and greater effects on all of your aoe spells as a just in case type of cenario, but as a general rule, we always tried to avoid using aoe as our primary dps. We provide Archlord gold for you here.
Even though you said you were not looking for opinions on builds, It is our own personal choice to not do aoe as your primary experience grinding technique. In our own limited personal experience level (Archlord online gold) 23, something you seem to run out of mana really easy and die a lot in the early stages of the game while trying to perform this technique.
That is not to say that the build in itself is not good for leveling in Archlord. When push comes to shove, it is very nice to have lower cool downs and greater effects on all of your aoe spells as a just in case type of cenario, but as a general rule, we always tried to avoid using aoe as our primary dps.