All players (Runes of Magic Gold) who are stuck in guilds where they are segregated to the lower ranks can not join in the big boy instances. We offer you some advice. If you are a very active player but find your efforts going to waste, if you feel like a bit of a lone ranger and aint getting your full gaming experiance out of ROM, it is probly you fail to see what you really have to do to get into better instances and therefore better gear.
This is our tryed and successful guide to being a all round better player and contributor to the game (Rom Gold) itself. So to begin with there are these basics to the game and what people are endlessly grinding for? Money to buy diamonds to then buy puries to make stated gear, unless you buy dia with real money then you save yourself this bit and ofc the jewels to make +6. So when you first start off in pioneers colony you are confronted with almighty mushrooms and wolves to defeat xD.