We took time to make a giant char and taking a rest playing (buy Mabinogi gold) on our human. Just could nott help to notice that most giant stays or being a Beast Slugger for a long period of time. In that period do you guys Maxed out Full Swing?
Do not know why you would say that. But it does take some time to iron beast. If they go, they will Max swing, rank 1 and f. But beasts team, in our opinion of Mabinogi, maybe the opinions of others looks better than the other, except the beast, but when we said, Jehovah many may be more willing to take it, let it in 6 appearance.
When they leave their personality is like most of the giant beasts large work until it is according to rank 1. This is mainly due to the fact that, at a level, it has become one of the skills, can cause great harm. If you have 10,000 state. In addition, some people enjoy keeping balance in transformation, so they improve the lives of shield, is a more favorable physical level (Mabinogi online gold).