This is about the character and PVE changes in Requiem, characters (requiem gold) will now have only one job change at level (requiem lant) 50 into their 2nd class. The Temperion class has been removed and current temperions are changed into their races physical type. You now delevel when you go below 0% exp. Level Cap raised to 80. Skills have been redone, all current builds are null due to the changes. The skill system now works on a branching tree system instead of a you can get as soon as you reach a level. You now assign skills freely. DNA system now uses a point system. You gain points as you level up and you assign them to the DNA combination you desire. Parties limited to five, Raids limited to 15. All classes reworked to be more unique.
PVE changes: Land Masses intended levels changed. Raid bosses level has been increased to range from 65~80. Equipment modified to reflect this. Raid bosses also had their HP and Attack increased 30%. Addition of new raid monster Tyrant. This thing looks wrong. Looks like Gork from Yu Gi Oh, yet has its hand plastered to the head coming from its crotch. The 3 current Treasure Dungeon Bosses are becoming their own raids. Secret Lab moved to
Quests: all quests have had their rewards calculated better and spaced out. Level 1~10 quests altered to coincide with the removal of Temperion. Addition of quests that add new buffs. Pets: four new mounts added. Three new pets added that have three phases they grow up through. They add additional functionality at each phase, like the ability to auto-loot.