You will jump as soon as you see the lightning whenever using a mages lightning attack in Rohan, it adds more flexibility and makes it harder to hit you. As well, use the firewall ability, it does huge damage and slows them down, a direct hit makes it impossible for them to survive unless they heal right away, mages will do this.
For scouts, use the roll. Also it can make it very hard for someone to hit you; it is dead useful in capture the ring matches when you are close to delivering the ring, just roll into the enemy base. As well, try to use a satchel bomb to knock the person down, and then wait for them to get up, just run away and then back stab them as soon as they get up, be more careful, as getting up, smart players (Rohan Gold) know to do a rising attack attack and we think it hits all around.
We provide Rohan Crone for your character. Use the archer's multi-shot to reveal scouts or just for an easy, quick finish. Poison arrows can finish a guy off pretty quickly, fire arrows are great for knocking down an enemy, and if you hit an enemy in the head with a fire arrow, it will kill them in one hit, as well. We hear that a head shot on a mage kills them in one shot, but that is the same website that said that Sauron cannot be assassinated, but we have seen it happen.