The more eagle eyed amongst you will also have noticed that we have been doing more player AOC Gold surveys and questionnaires. This is something that we will continue to do on an ongoing basis. As we start to think of what future developments we can plan for your opinion is always important.
Information as to what is in the works and where we are currently at is also an important element of ensuring the community is up to date with the current developments. You will have noticed that the community teams have now, started giving regular weekly updates every Friday with an update from the production team Age of Conan Gold as well as any other relevant information.
There is also a lot of information that is mentioned in forum replies and in interviews and other articles but they are not always the easiest to find. To this end we are launching a new community driven section of our websites that we are starting testing today. You can find it here and discuss it on the forums here. This portal is designed to put all the latest news and updates, and indeed previous ones, at your fingertips in an easily searchable and categorized way.
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