There is no data being used to prove the original assertions. If you want a build to steamroll old content, this is great. If you want a raid tanking build, particularly when and if they release some harder content, forget about Impale. When and if. For the current 10 and 25 person content, it is perfectly fine. Not to mention if you are not constantly respecting and trying new things, especially as early as it is in the expansion, you are not tanking to your full potential. We provide Dungeon Fighter gold for you.
Speccing for a specific encounter is not unheard of, and what of dual specs next patch. Being the MT for our guild there are few situations where we will be pulling out an Arms spec and 2hander. Having 2 different prot specs will make one more versatile for clearing raids faster. But back to our point, post up a level 80 spec sans-impale so we can pick apart the protection or fury talents you do not need in any particular situation.
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