Tales of Pirates is based on the adventures of Lance, a human raised by demons, Phyllis, a girl with a shortened lifespan which does not affect gameplay, Ami, a young little girl that does not age, and Carsise, a half demon. The world they live in is made up of multiple continents and islands in which they travel by foot or by ship, killing monsters and other obstacles in their way with a wide variety of weapons.
As soon as an account is created, players are able to log in to a server and choose a character to begin the game. All characters start at level 1 and initially level up through very simple introductory quests designed to teach the player about the game. These quests take a few minutes to complete and will give a new player an idea of how to move, control their character and other simple concepts. At level
Although their climates are quite different, the largest cities are all ports, ranging from Shaitan's deserts to Icicle's frozen plains. In these cities that newer characters slowly can build up their skills and fighting prowess before adventuring into the unknown. Each fighting class does all of its class advancements in their corresponding city. For example, swordsmen change classes in Argent, hunters in Icicle, herbalists in Shaitan, and so on.
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