Pros: They can go very fast using the spear quicken skill same as knight except that knight use two hand quicken. A max speed of 190 can be reached Aion Gold if a doppelganger card is used, or gospel skill.
Quite good in breaking cast including asura strike. Have high dodge (not better than assassin cross's dodging rate) can survive asura strike by breaking the cast. Can hit almost any high flee characters with this kind of dex
Cons: Many people prefer VIT and INT type because of the shield skills and high defense and heal skills etc.
Have a quite low attack power because you have to up some of the dex too, the max atk for you is about 300 to 400+ that is all I know.
Weak in MVPs (accept golden bug), Cannot have sacrifice skill due to low HP, Do a very low damage in pvp and WOE, even with the hydra cards, the max damage you give is 100+ to high vita characters.
The path to crusader and reborn: The path to crusaders is very easy I believe all of you know how to do it. You will only need to change at job 40 since you don't need so many skills.