Shaiya will not be able to survive as P2P because it does not measure up to a P2P quality. For a free game Shaiya used to be awesome, but it is very much not user friendly. P2P games have managed to get rid of things like a problem with kill stealing and it mean people killing your common dungeons mobs, not 1001 rules about what is ks and what isn't.P2P games do not have the suck it up policy; when something inconveniences the players, they actually fix it. There are features in P2P such as a pointer lead to your quest mobs, or a separate window which shows you in advance what kind of reward you will be getting for completing the quest. They have repop points around maps, not just town centered. For example is P2P game you imagine the dd2 would have a couple of zones inside it where you will repop if you die. Basically, it is all about minor details, and you see players complaining about these minor things on forums daily, but they do not get fixed, whereas P2P takes care of these problems. Also P2P have more balance of grinding with pve and pvp, there is a lot more action going on for players in between level (shaiya money)1-60.They are just better programmed and that involves a lot more imagination and inner game dynamics than Shaiya can handle.
There are two types of games, which has monthly gold (shaiya online gold) and all players are equal no monthly fees, but items give advantage to players who pay up. Shaiya is getting overly ambitios by thinking that they will be able to have a+b put together, get a monthly fee and keep the item mall. You have got to be crazy to pay up 30 dollars monthly. The newest games with way superior graphics, which do not have any ksers and other minor and major bs that shaiya is subjected to and which costs betweem $15-$20 monthly. And you could get the argument that there is an extra fee for advantage over the other players, but when you let players who cannot afford a fee blatantly know that they will never gave a chance of saving up enough gold through your own hard work in game to have access to the best items, they will not play anymore, so there will only be people left who pay for those advantages, but then you don't really have advantage do you if there are only those type of people around you.