First) once you are one of the unlucky guys that had the cryengine.dll error. Even after the patch that seemed to fix this, things did not go very well for you, since you still had very low FPS during sieges and lowering graphics and using shift + f12 did not work. Sieges where you can not see anything are not enjoyable for yourself. From then on you stopped caring about them and focused on leveling your main char and alt.
Second) since your main is still level aion gold 37, as mentioned above, even in lower abyss sieges you were simply fodder. You figured you should at least get to 40+ with some vlue equipment before going to a siege again. Isn't possible to change the system so that lower level players can have fun in the abyss too? You will reach higher levels, but all the fun of entering the abyss at 25 is the hope to participate in sieges.
Third) If your legion isn't one of the biggest, and most guiltiest are not very casual players. Since there's no way for me to get medals from alliances with other legions (because as things stand right now its impossible for our legion to out damage the big ones) you can focus on leveling aion kinah, blah.
Its not enoph to have 5 legions go to a fort and cap it, with the current 30 minute system servers need to cooperate. Telemachus lives with the new fact that all work together. The change was hard in the first weeks but since this Sunday we took all 3 middle forts on Telemachus within 30 minute timer. Its possible even with elyos coming in.