Here are some useful training tips gotten from other websites. If you are in urgent need of some professional 9Dragons gold, welcome to place orders from us, we will deliver the gold at the lowest price in an instant.
It is good to fight with active kung fu at least cheng 3. If you learn a new kung fu, fighting green-white mobs with a manual until your technique is cheng 3. Nuker skills (cheap 9Dragons gold) could be used at around cheng 2 just trains it at least a little bit before charging into combat. A good spot to train it is at Song Shan at the tiger found around the stone tunnel. It will not continue to chase you as long as you are in the tunnel. You can train on suspicious shaolin desciples at
This is pretty obvious, but tries to get into as many parties as possible. If it is individual exp, nothing really changes, except you are more likely to be revived when you die or be buffed. If it is a shared exp party, you are most likely to do better than if you were just soloing.
If you are one of those people who just can not stand to grind, join a hero band. A good hero band with active members that like to talk. You will be less bored if you talk while grinding, and it's easy to get a party going.