Once you have played this game for a really long time now. Tritones chamber was open when you weres there. A 20 minute window before it closed. So I decided to go in. And holy hell. Does anyone know how often the gate opens? And what ress to use? Any info would be appreciated. Many people died already in there but just in case it opens a 2nd time while him there, we would like to be prepared. You can buy 2moons gold from our site.
The boss spawns once per day in every server in 2Moons, the time is random. Once the gate is open you have 20 min to make a party and get inside the chamber before it closes. There is no time limit; you could spend a lot of time killing him. It does not uncommon quickly, but we think 3 hours must be more than enough to kill him even being 3 ppl. Basically 2 kinds of atk, ice and a normal ones (that is what we saw killing him). So you can grab some ice res and the rest defense.
We were only 4 ppl there when we killed him for the first time. Surely we were high levels, for example our character was on the level 120. And took to the four of us 2 hours and 30 min to kill him. Use our 2moon dil service will make your character level up fast.