Now as for something any game (twelve sky2 Gold) can do, it would be job assignments through guild structure that allows rankings to be based on deeds (both the individuals, and the guilds amongst others). Face of Mankind was an inspiring game to play as a wannabe designer, the faction roles and economy based on the missions you accept did a lot to influence the concept we covered earlier.
What it does is allow Twelvesky2 players to pick a role they want (policier, military, production, and so on) and align to a faction that does that, then that faction has politics with others and works on it's own economy that rations a payout every once in a while to those that were active. Granted the things to do were very limited, other games (12sky2 Gold) can take note of the very aspect of assigning jobs to guiltiest, charting it, and rewarding it. Good stuff.