For Warlock, you should keep Soul Stone on the Priest all the way, never expect the Priest to have your pet as a primary healing target, unless its been specified before hand, and if you are going to convert tons of health, learn to bandage,do not waste too much of your Priests mana healing you unawares.As to Warrior, as you know, you're the tank.WOW GOLD players need to make sure to get some kind of aggro on each and every mob in a pull, so the Priests first heal does not pull mobs to him. You also should get in the habit of watching the Priest's health, and if something goes for him, pull it off immediately. If you are the secondary tank this is a great opportunity for you to shine, by keeping mobs off the Priest so he can heal.For Druid, it is important for you to keep an eye on the Priest's health. You are a great healer in your own right, and have other things to add to a group. If there is a Priest in your group, watch for his health dropping and heal him immediately, and help out with the healing by healing non-tanks. Try to manage your heals so you are not healing the same target as the Priest, unless it is an emergency.As Mage, you can help the Priest by freezing things that have aggro'd him, just be ready with your own shield after they break because the Priest might not be in a position to shield/heal you right away.