The Warhammer Online shadow warrior's specialty are bow usage plus they utilize combat styles and technique that is very useful in any combat situation. They are part of the shining guard army by the high elves with DPS career that is with ranged. They are the type of elves who lived in the Drutchii society but they favor high elves party as Phoenix King instead of Malekith during Sundering civil war. They are similarly paired with Squig Herder although they have no pet but still their fighting abilities are of the same range. Avid gamers have constructed WAR or Warhammer Online shadow warrior guides to help out newbies and other players to both play as and fight against them.
As shining guards, they serve as archers, hunters, and scouts. Their principle in fighting revolves around to declare death against their foes and enemies. The bow master are closely linked with their names since they have the great eye that is keen enough to strike off opponent even at a far distance no one can imagine. They are also skilled users of blades which they make use to slash off swiftly and with a fury attack that results to the downfall of their enemies.
Potential for most damage overall, in terms of scenarios. When it comes to your ranged AoE DoT's, nothing deals more numbers faster. Note that if you choose to obtain Glass Arrow in the Scout Mastery, it can be used in any stance. Flame Arrow requires Scout Stance. Note their max range of
- Can obtain the class' hardest hitting nuke, Festering Arrow. While it appears that the number is indeed higher than the BW/Sorc equivalent, since BW/Sorcs can crit quite often and for double the crit damage of a normal crit, it tips in their favor. A good thing to note is that it is Corporeal damage, so it bypasses standard armor but is affected by Corp Resistance instead.
The Shadow Warrior's rank 40 skill can only be used in Skirmish Stance, and it appears to be one very useful and amazing skill. So keep that in mind. This was clearly done to keep you switching stances constantly to get the most "bang for your buck".
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