If you have no time to earn last chaos gold,you can buy it from our website at the lowest price. Here we would like to provide you some useful information about Weapon upgrades
There are actually four different level 133 weapon colors. Level 133 (lastchaos gold) weapons all come with predetermined bloodseals and each color has a different bloodseal set. The goodness of the colors goes White. Each of the twelve weapons has two white-colored bloodseal sets, one green- and one yellow-colored bloodseal set, and four blue-colored bloodseal sets. The sets all have a unique prefix that is added on to the weapon original name once that weapon's color and bloodseal set has been identified. Read more about this below.
Each weapon color has a different base attack than the other colors, with white-colored weapons (lastchaos money) having the lowest attack and blue-colored weapons having the highest attack. However, despite the different base attacks, each level of upgrade has the same bonus that the other colors of that weapon do. So these tables are arranged a little differently than the ones for all previous weapons.
Finally, you could check the 73+ weapon seals page for tables displaying the bloodseal sets that can be found on these weapons depending on their names and color. You may also want to read about how to identify the color and bloodseals on weapons with undisclosed stats. After weapons are identified, their base attack may increase depending on what their color and bloodseal set turns out to be. Look up weapons on the tables below according to color and name.