Deciding whether you want X or Y is supposed to be a tough decision. We make no guarantee that everything that drops is an upgrade for you, even set pieces.Building the most optimal set of gear for your particular spec is also one of the things that lets more expert players demonstrate mastery of the game. If the set pieces were always better, that wouldn't happen. In fact one of the reasons we made sets smaller (not 8 pieces or whatever) is so players could still undertake the challenge of completing them without also getting in a position where they were very reluctant to upgrade again.The goal is to let death knights make a choice between DW or 2H DPS. Wow gold players realize there is a risk that DW will overtake 2H at some point, but that is not the goal. For most existing classes that promote DW, we allow DW to dominate.It's hard to tell if that is happening yet on death knights. Patchwerk is a short fight where blowing cooldowns reaps big benefits, and I tend to agree with the opinions that this guy won the lottery.We haven't decided if we are going to take steps yet to back off DW damage. If DW death knights are only going for the fastest possible weapons in order to maximize procs per unit time, then that is something we might address.One idea that has been circulating is to have AMS and AMZ share a cooldown so that the death knight can't just pop both in rapid succession.