Amu of Battler+8 (120 mana), 2 slot helm of Will (perfect will 140 mp and 20% CDI), Boots of Will1slot (140+50mp) and Suit 2 slot (7% Mabinogi Gold amp and 50 MP. Or something likes that.
Remember if you go the ALZ and Stock way then you must at least attain 1700 Mana or else you will have your might have your Combo CUT and you do not like that, believe me.
And of course with the least (most minimum as possible) number of Gears to retain as much, damage as you can to maintain your damage crispy.
When to wear it? Of course only when you are facing an FB. When and what are the gears I should switch back during Battle after MF ended? If you go with EoV and Amulet of Battler +8, then maybe you could just switch your EoV to your preferred Epaulet or maybe you do not need to.
If you are using purely Alz gears the only Gears that you must switch are your Boots and Suit, Nothing more nothing less.
Why? Because you need the quickest solution possible, while in combo you could easily switch on those 2 gears in that way in the quickest time you could put back almost your prefer Damage Capacity, problem solved.