Now there's a little AoE DPS technique we enjoy employing that you probably should not admit to doing, if you employ it at all. You see, Arms Warriors (Dungeon Fighter gold) have a certain ability that makes it easy to peel off rage buddies for cleave-spamming goodness. Say hello to our little friend: Mocking Blow. If you have faith in your healers and the mobs will not clobber you, you can get away with using Mocking Blow to snap a target on to you for a temporary rage boost that should allow you to use Cleave much more frequently. Hope you like this guide of DFO.
You can do enough DPS to get higher on the mob threat list than the tanks, but even if you can not it's Note: Use this only in lighthearted situations or when you are absolutely certain that whatever DPS gain, that you get from the taunt is worth it relative to your chance of death. Due to excess stupidity, we will not be held responsible for wipes. We provide Dungeon Fighter Online gold for you.
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