1). Enchant Scrolls in Mabinogi have a Time Limit. The higher the rank the more time you have. At rank F it is 5hr
2). Enchant Scrolls have different ranks. The ranking F to A, you can go directly to enchant equipment (Mabinogi Gold). For the top 9 to 1, you will need to add to the charm of an existing new. For example, you have a scroll top 9, you want your sword and spell, and you can not just enchant a new sword. You will have to write a ranking has been fascinated by a roll cover it with the sword.
Otherwise, you will get an error message saying No compatible target equipment found. For more than 5 (1 is highest), you will need a skilled shaman to perform the operation more than 6 reels. Otherwise, you will get a message saying the technical level (Mabinogi online gold) is too low to perform this operation. You can only cover the same type of scroll. Suffix suffix, prefix the prefix.