If you have no time to earn Perfect World Gold, you can buy it from our website at the lowest price. Here we will introduce some defense points for you in Perfect World, please read them in details and get the main points you need.
According to survey, the number it shows it is only applicable to enemies your level Perfect World Silver. For enemies lower than you are, your defenses will be a little higher than the posted number. For enemies higher level than you are, the defense will be a little lower than the posted value. The difference between physical resistance and physical defense ask this because you have physical resistance on your gear, but you also decided to enhance physical defense using gemstones in my slotted equipment. You are now sitting at around 460 defense, but much lower physical resistance and im interested to know which of the two has the greater impact.
It depends. There is a non-linear relation between physical resistance and physical defense. By the way, if you want to buy cheap Perfect World money, please go to our site and have a look, we have enough stock anytime. The higher the Pdef the higher the physical resistance. As Pdef gets higher, you will need to add more pdef in order for the physical resistance to increase. The relationship curve looks like an exponential curve, approaching 100% but never reaching it. If you do a search in the forums, you can find the actualy formula used.