Level 39: You get a new mask and that is it. Well you should now have your 34-39 set complete with all 3 or better. You can also buy Hero gold here! If so then go to HK as you have found a new home. Pot spamming and skill spamming help here.
Level 40: A new opportunity. The hawk pet becomes available, the hawk is a versatile pet but we did not bother. At this level faction wars becomes available but at such a low level Hero online gold, we do not recommend it.
Level 41: Well there is nothing new at this level to be honest, and the new armour set is not until level 44 so keep leveling. Going to SP if not unheard of and you can level there quite easily, but at this level the beach or HK give overall more exp than SP and usually more drops.
Level 42: There is yet again no change, and with that we would like to say, people at SP, avoid the bloody ninja, Great Tiger and for the weaker people, blind swordsman. All are your sworn enemies at this low level.
Level 43: Getting there, but still not even a 2nd skill. Your level 40 skill book should be maxed for full skills and you should really be at HK or SP. We personally left HK at 47, and I find that was the optimum level as at 47, HK gave less exp then SP mobs and where harder to kill.
I sincerely hope it will help you some. We can always get Hero money service with fast delivery that brings you more satisfactorily. And our customer service is 24/7, so you can place an order at any time.