Today we will tell you something about Leveling method in Karos. A casual time we knew game last month, then we were fascinated about it, though clicking the card is expensive, it can not prevent our passion, in order to buy it, we always search Karos Carat through Internet, you can find a lot of concessions. But we have to warn you: though shopping online, you still have to shop around.
These daily quests are typically found on bulletin boards in the major cities traveled to, and game karos online carat players are able to do as many as they want, up to a maximum of
You must note that in buy Karos Carat never sell your manna and health potions you need every one. After all this go to boars fight them and there leader which has his name in writing, until you level up to 8 or 9. Then continue threw the map save the missions for later after you are the desired level you want to be, fight creatures that are always 1 or 2 level karos gold is higher than you.