Would Shaiya make it as a P2P game? You could think that it probably will not come to this, but do you think it will be able to survive? A monthly payment of about the same amount as other P2P games. Would you be willing to pay this monthly fee? Some of the item mall items can become rare drops, or repeatable quest rewards and in NPCs to keep the gold (shaiya money) amount on about the same level (shaiya gold).Some item mall items would just disappear, like ghost essence, it just becarefull geez. And there are a lot of things you want to discuss, but first you like to see your opinion on this.
Try to not only bring problems, but try to find solutions also. Complete remake of all the classes. As a P2P game it could not have the issues it does. Change in the PvP reward system. There cannot be a large difference in stats. Removal of all modes but HM.
They need to be small. Such bugs cannot exist in a P2P game. Removal of enchantment system, with no recreation runes to boot. You get the stats that drop. Removal of all items that are gotten through item mall. Addition of all the lacking content, like capes and slotted helmets, into the loot table. Basically, the change would need such an overhaul that you could very well make a new game.