First of all upgrade issues related repetitive tasks off the task thoughts, so upgrade will do? Brush is a good way to copy it is a QS, took the task from 32 to 28 sets and pre-delivery mission to the money made a + 6 32 Carpenter arms of God after God began to brush the hell copy in Aika of the equipment maker to sell me a bag of Sanshui in the country telecommunications that we have sold 32 20 000 Carpenter equipment of God's logic is simple here.
The task force the players off the copy upgrade the existence of God, then the market maker will be more and more equipment set the bar almost everyone has a majority of players have a desire that is better than others the same level where we are all equipped to rely on God Carpenter only by upgrading equipment. And we would provide you the cheapest aika online gold with the fastest delivery.
So you will need is proof there are items other gods task cards also help sell the experience card double the overall idea is to allow players to play frustrated the mall has to pay for items difficult to have another upgrade UQ one of the reasons is not so easy to meet the players this is a psychological factor, if all service within one day all the top players all the Need for equipment only if the rest of the country and PK UQ Zhidao players battle sooner or later.