1. Crystal Scam
Craft Shop Scam is usually done with the lower level (Lineage 2 gold) crafts, silver mold, VOP, stuff like that. The title will say something like
2. Craft Scam
Bow shaft scam that popular one now is for Bow of Peril shafts because everyone wants one, a finished one is around 40 mills, and the shafts are usually 1 mill+ each. And the fact that bow shafts look exactly like stems doesn't help anything. The author has seen up to 3 shops at once trying to pull this one. Same goes for soul bow shafts.
3. Bow Scam
A-ss, A-sps, B A-sps scam. The noob SS shots look almost exactly like the A grade ones, so people try to sell the no grade ones as a-ss. Here's a picture of the scam and a shot from a real shop.
Thanks for reading, and we have enough Lineage 2 money at lowest price.