At Elemental Crown
1. Warrior: The masters of their clan main weapon. They are the first to rush into combat, and all of their skills are centered on dealing direct damage to the opponent.
They emphasize Constitution, Dexterity, and Strength, while Essence is harder for them to develop.
2. Strategist (Healer): The healer of a clan uses their clan's secondary weapon, but their abilities focus more on buffing and healing other members. As the Hybrid has the same basic abilities they do, the Healer is able to heal external and internal injuries, while the Hybrid cannot. They emphasize Essence and Wisdom, while Constitution is harder for them to develop. Note: Buy the cheapest 9Dragons money and 9Dragons gold from us for your character; the goods there are so cheap!
3. Chi Kung Artist (Nuker): The nuker is a specialist in the Chi Kung arts handed down in their clan. They focus on dealing long-range damage to their target, and the majority of their skills can do quite a bit of damage. They emphasize Essence and Wisdom, while Strength is hard for them to develop. They are ill-suited to melee combat.
4. Holist (Hybrid): The Hybrid is an army unto themselves; they learn a bit of every art passed down in their clan, from secondary clan weapon usage to Chi Kung attacks and buffing and healing. They emphasize Constitution and Essence, while Wisdom is harder for them to develop.