In Metin2, first 20 quests were hard to complete. You had low hp, low defense, bad armour set, bad weapon (Metin2 gold) set. Although you are a defensive warrior, you were being killed by the mobs easily. Therefore you should be used to carry lots of hp pots with you. Those times were hard, but it was fun. Indeed every class could experience the same things till level 22, the level that Archers, Wizards, Assassins and Summoners have AoE. There are hardly any differences between all classes till level 22. They all die easily, low hp, low defense etc. After level 22, you start to have better weapons and better armours. You could keep heavy armours for yourself, you are a warrior, and therefore you need heavy armour not light armour. You were a berserker those times. Because two handed weapons could deal more damage, and it is really hard for a defensive warrior to level up fast. You could change your mind at level 32 and became a defensive warrior. Because before the last update Bersekers were really sucking. They had not had good defense and their some skills were not as good as it is now.
Levelling up a defensive warrior is really slow by soloing. Therefore, accept any party invitation that comes from someone who has AoE. But don't think that they would want to party you. They all need you at TWs, you are their shield, castle wall on TWs. Therefore they need higher level defensive warrior a lot. But they generally do not think of helping you levelling fast. Because they generally have enough defense to solo the quests. And soloing a quest offers them more experience points. Nearly twice as much as when you are in a party with 2 persons. You need to be patient to be a defensive warrior. If you feel that you are not that kind of patient person, try other classes; do not go further with leveling your warrior. For example: your defensive warrior char was completing one turn of level 43 quest in one and half an hour, but your priest char completes there in 14 to 15 minutes. There is a huge gap between the competition times of them. That is all, thanks for your attention, see you next time.